- The school endeavours to maintain a well equipped library, reading room and an audio-visual room.
- Silence is to be maintained in the library at all times.
- Library books can be issued and returned only during the library period and not in any other teaching period.
- Each student is given a library card through which the books are issued.
- Exchange of library card is not permitted.
- Library card must be kept carefully. If lost, a new card will be issued only after verification and on payment of Rs.10.
- Books may be kept for two weeks and must be returned on the date given. Renewal for a third week will be granted on request.
- Students who keep books longer than the time permitted will have to pay Rs. 5/- per day. The amount is to be paid at the library office.
- Books in the reference session may not be taken out of the library.
- Never damage a library book in any way. The damage on books should be brought to the notice of the librarian.
- All books taken from the library should be returned two weeks before the terminal examination.
- If a student loses a library book he/she should pay the cost of the book along with the prescribed fine.