A pupil shall have his/her name removed from the rolls on any of the following reasons:
- If he/she is absent without leave for 7 consecutive working days at any time during the year without valid reason.
- If he/she has failed a second time in any of the classes.
- If he/she does not pay the fees of a term within 15 consecutive working days after the expiry of the last day of remittance with fine.
- If parent/guardian does not comply with the request of the Principal to withdraw the pupil from the school.
- If parent/guardian does not report to the Principal when called to do so within three days after he/she is in receipt of the message.
- The Principal reserves the right of refusing continued studies to any pupil whose conduct is found not satisfactory or who is not gaining benefit by his /her study in this school or is a bad influence on others. Misbehaviour in school, school bus, bus stops, public places, and streets are sufficient reason for dismissal from the school.