Clubs & Houses


Clubs and Houses are the best chances for the students to:

    • Build respect and learn team work
    • Gain self-confidence
    • Make new friends
    • Meet students who have similar interests
    • Learn to work together towards a common goal; learn to respect coaches, leaders, and one another
    • Excel in activities they are good at

    Science involves a pursuit of knowledge causing general truths as the operations of fundamental laws. It aims to inculcate and improve scientific temper amongst our students, promote scientific thinking and new ideas and enhance scientific awareness.

    • To explore the physical realm of our environment through experiments and establish evidence.
    • To develop a scientific attitude and a rational outlook towards life.
    • The goal is to learn Science with fun. Children love Science that allows them to perform hands-on experiments.

    Public speaking is an art every student must develop. Public speaking helps to develop confidence among students, and enables them to be better prepared to take on leadership positions in future life. To be confident leaders, efforts have to begin at primary level. Hesitation and failure to present thoughts clearly is a prominent feature in today's child.


    • Debates.
    • Elocution.
    • Debates.
    • Extempore debates and declamation.
    • Reading news headlines.

    Little Flower School IT club tries to awake computer skills of its students. Club create awareness on the current trends in computers and to improve analytical & logical skills IT club helps Little Flower School student to learn the dynamics of a computer and use it for higher learning Introducing students to new technologies.

    • Provide computer support for all school events.
    • Help make presentations for various school functions.
    • Increase awareness of computers amongst students.
    • Organize computer-based competitions.
    • Sensitizing our young students to environment related issues is the main purpose of the School's Eco Club.
    • Tree plantation drives.
    • Organizing campaigns and rallies like 'Say no to Poly Bags', 'Say no to crackers', 'Save Water', 'Save Energy', and 'Green and Clean City'.
    • Projects initiated and undertaken for eco friendly surroundings like Rain Water Harvesting. Project and regular maintenance of compost pits and green house in the school premises.

    The Maths Club has been introduced with the aim of making Mathematics fun for students. It endeavours to help students grasp mathematical concepts better through activities like puzzles, shortcuts in calculations and games.

    Club Activities:

    • Participation in Math related competitions.
    • Conduct Mathematics quiz.
    • Study of various math based puzzles, software and games.

    The club nurtures a love for language, promotes literary interests& activities on campus and encourages students to analyze both reading and writing perspectives. Creative self-expression, articulation of ideas through word play and creative collaborations that hone students’ confidence makes the essence of the club.


    Through the performative mediums of dance, drama and theatre, the club fuses performative elements to nurture a love for active expression in the students. Narrative dance-forms, plays and performances are given original interpretations through the club. The Club is open to contemporary, classical and western performative modes and trains students to excel in the form of their choice.


    Little Flower School nurtures students who are musically inclined through this club. Besides accommodating and cultivating a diverse range of musical tastes, the club also provides voice-coaching, sessions in musical notation, opportunities to learn to play instruments and compose original scores.


    TThe club encourages students to bring their imagination to life, by creating experiences that develop the knowledge of materials and processes as starting points for creative exploration through paint, paper and even sculpture. The club invites students to look at colours, shapes, textures and designs differently.


    "Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress." -Mahatma Gandhi. The process of debate offers profound and lasting benefits for individuals, for societies and for the global community as a whole. With its emphasis on critical thinking, effective communication, independent research and teamwork, debate teaches skills that serve individuals well in school. With this objective, the Debate and Declamation club works in the school for the students. Half a score of children have enrolled themselves in this club and devoted an hour a week to hone their oratorical and debating skills in this session.


    The YUVA club at Little Flower School is dedicated to fostering student leadership, and tourism related activities. This club is formed to discuss and promote tourism among students at school. The club also invites guest speakers to discuss important issues facing the youth, like environmental sustainability, mental health, and civic engagement. Through these initiatives, the YUVA club empowers students to become active and responsible citizens who make a positive impact on their community. Participation in the YUVA club allows students to develop invaluable leadership skills, gain hands-on volunteering experience, and collaborate with their peers to address real-world challenges.


    The club provides students with pleasure, enjoyment and deepened awareness of themselves and their place in their environment, community and culture. The students have learned the techniques of Oil Colour Painting, Acrylic Colour Painting, Fabric Painting, Portrait Painting, Texture Painting, Wall Mural Designing, Pen and Ink, Pattern Designing, Glass and Foil Painting, Poster and Logo Designing. The aspirations for the coming year are to master the different techniques, prepare the students for making the decorative art work and paintings for exhibition and make art pieces out of waste products.


    The Social Club at Little Flower School provides students with opportunities to make new friends, participate in fun group activities, and engage in community service projects. The club meets once in a month and organizes events like volunteer work at the local public places, field trips to places of cultural interest etc. Through these activities, the Social Club helps foster a sense of community and school spirit among the diverse student body.


    Students are equipped with basic skills and strategies for playing at an international level. Students who have achieved the required standards are encouraged to participate in chess competitions at inter-school and community level. Basic rules and regulations of the game are taught to those students who have had no previous experience of chess.

    Through playing chess, students are able to cultivate a hobby which stimulates the mind towards proactive and rational thinking, encourages decision making skills given the challenging environment, and also inspires self-discipline since it's time-bound in nature. The Chess club at SBA comprises of approximately 30 students from grade V to XII and one professional coach. Out of the 30 students, half of them are beginners, learning the basic tactics and techniques of the game.


    The Language Club at Little Flower School brings together students interested in learning and practicing different world languages. The club meets regularly to study the grammar, vocabulary, and cultural aspects of languages. The Language Club provides a welcoming environment for students to improve their language skills, explore new cultures, and make friends with classmates who share their linguistic passions. Joining the club is an excellent way for students to supplement their formal language coursework and prepare for future travels or careers that require multilingual abilities.